BaRAS Excavations

Here is a brief outline of some recent excavations BaRAS have worked on and that are representative of the kind of work we do for our clients.

Montague Street

The suburb of Kingsdown developed rapidly during the 18th century. An excavation at Montague Street/Dighton Street in 2003 exposed the remains of five cellars of early to late 18th-century townhouses. In addition to the cellars three wells, the bases of four 19th-century rainwater-collection tanks, the truncated remains of a limestone drain and the footings of a garden wall were located.

Gloucester Lane

Excavations at Gloucester Lane in 2001 uncovered part of a defensive ditch which was dug at the time of the Civil War, as well as traces of earlier activity and evidence for the spread of the city’s suburbs during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Lechlade, Gloucestershire

Excavations in the grounds of Lechlade Manor, Lechlade-on-Thames found remains of activity from Bronze Age burial to medieval farming. Evidence for Iron Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon activity in the form of pits, ditches and postholes was found; in particular a Roman ditch contained sherds of Samian ware, a type of pottery which was mass-produced in the Roman province of Gaul from the mid-1st to the mid-3rd century AD.