BaRAS has unrivalled knowledge of Bristol having served both the city and the surrounding south-west for over 30 years. With a commitment to delivering work to a high standard, on time, and within budget, our well-rounded professional service to clients includes:
Two trenches were excavated in the car parking area to the rear of these properties. Not unexpectedly for this part of the city we revealed intact archaeological features.
Many Bristol citizens will be aware that City Hall (formerly called the Council House) has been undergoing a major refurbishment which is due to be finished this year.
Sometimes we go a long way and find very little! We travelled to Surrey to evaluate land around the northern half of the Brethren’s Meeting Hall.
A watching brief near Wincanton was undertaken prior to a housing development. A known Roman villa lies up-slope from the site.
Recent research for a study of these Georgian-fronted buildings in the south-west corner of the square revealed details of Bristol’s shoe manufacturing history.
BaRAS archaeologists have recently carried out a survey of the remains of the castle keep in Castle Park, Bristol.