Land at New Barns Farm, West Hill, Wincanton, Somerset

A watching brief near Wincanton was undertaken prior to a housing development. A known Roman villa (HER 54698) lies up-slope from the site. Therefore it was no great surprise when 1st to 4th century Romano-British pottery was recovered from sub-soil deposits across the site. Additionally, three large, shallow rubbish pits were recorded, which contained ceramic building materials and several butchered cattle and sheep bones. These pits may have performed an additional function as drinking holes for livestock at some time.

archaeological watching brief being performed on land earmarked for housing development
Land at New Barns Farm, Wincanton, Somerset
Extract from 1931 Edition Ordnance Survey showing the location of New Barns Farm at Wincanton in Somerset
Extract from 1931 Edition Ordnance Survey showing the location of New Barns Farm

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ammunition bedminster birmingham blast furnace brickworks bristol burial cesspit chapel cinema city hall civil war coaching inn dwelling fort garden building gazebo hall house hospital industrial iron works keynsham law court lido maesteg medieval meeting hall millerd's map modern monastic oven pit post-medieval post hole prehistoric or roman priory public house railway records office road roman shipyard st james theatre timber