Archive for September, 2011

Works at Sanctuary Gardens, Church Road, Bristol

BaRAS are involved in excavation and watching brief prior to and during construction groundworks for 11 detached dwellings at Sanctuary Gardens. The present Lias rubble, red brick and limestone walls […]

Brandon Hill Evaluation

In August and September 2011 two archaeological trial trenches were excavated across the line of Civil War-era fortifications at the top of Brandon Hill, Bristol. This is the only place […]

Medieval Stone Sundial

Post-excavation work on the finds recovered from St James’s Priory has lead to the discovery of what may be part of the earliest known ‘scientific’ sundial in Britain. The sundial […]

ammunition bedminster birmingham blast furnace brickworks bristol burial cesspit chapel cinema city hall civil war coaching inn dwelling fort garden building gazebo hall house hospital industrial iron works keynsham law court lido maesteg medieval meeting hall millerd's map modern monastic oven pit post-medieval post hole prehistoric or roman priory public house railway records office road roman shipyard st james theatre timber